Friday, January 18, 2013

my sources

AVL - this was my most used source,
AVL- i gathered my information about the australia stop on this website
Library of Congress- the library of congress was by far the most usefull way i could come across usefull newspaper articles.

AVL- i gathered my information about the japan stop from this site.
Internet Archive- i got backgrouind information about the whole trip not just any specific stop



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Postcard project

As of Monday I had not gotten much done on my project, all I had gotten done was my main source, my avl source and a few of my pictures. I still needed to gather all of my information and pic out the remaining appropriate pictures for my postcards. I had decided that I was going to be myself for the postcards and I would be sending my letters to my mother and father and friends. I am just now posting this because I was not in class on Monday and I forgot to post my progress on Tuesday. Now I am almost finished with the project.