Sunday, May 5, 2013

Development of the Interstate Highway System

It is hard to imagine the united states without the interstate Highway system. Many peoples lives depend on it entirely and everyones lives are affected by it in one way or another. For some Interstate Highways are just the roads they take for an occasional trip but for others the interstate is used for their daily commute. The first idea sparked for the IHS was in 1923 by General John J. Pershing.

John J. Pershing was the Cheif of staff for the U.S. army at the time. His Idea for the IHS was the first time that a plan for an express highway system was brought to congress. Nothing was done by congress to further the idea sparked by General Pershing until later years. in 1939 interest was renewed in an express highway system. The Beuro of public roads wanted to develop interregional highways. Interest in 1939 led congress to investigate the need for this super highway system. Things that congress would look into would be the number of highways needed, routs they should follow, and construction costs. After the investigations done by congress they came to the conclusion that there was a need for the IHS which led to the federeal aid Highway act of 1944.

The federal aid Highway act of 1944 a bust because of world warII. All tax funds that would have been put towards the development of the IHS was put towards the country's millitary needs. In 1956 the construction for the IHS finally began. President Eisenhower was a great supporter of the IHS and he thought it would be very bennificial to our country. Some say that the development and beginning of the IHS was Eisenhowers greatest accomplishment for the two terms that he served as president.

Eisenhower put the Federal Highway act into action in 1956, this was also known as the national interstate and deffence highways. Eisenhower sighned the act on June 29. The whole IHS project would cost close to 30 billion dollars. This still would be a ton of money for a project now days but to put it in to prospective, 30 billion dollars back then would equal about 450 billion dollars. 25 billion dollars of the project was planed to be payed for by the trust fund that Eisenhower had set up to pay for the project. 25 billion dollars would equal out to be 90% of the project and the remaining 10% of the IHS would be payed for by the raise on taxes that would be put on fuel, cars, and trucks.

interstate highway system
Modern day interstate

Eisenhower was a great fan of the Interstate Highway System for multiple reasons. He took part in the Historic Lincoln Highway which was a convoy of Millitary motor vehicles from the capital to San Fransisco. This was not an easy task because the roads were not always in good condition, vehicles were getting stuck and bridges were not capable of the use of these vehicles. Eisenhower knew that if these super highways were built it would make traveling across the country so much eaiser. he also knew that it would help the economy out. in several ways.

Early Suburb
At this time Automobiles were becoming much more common in every family and the development of the IHS would only stimulate automobile sales even more along with many other regions of the economy. The realestate market really took off. Realestate and automoblile sales benifitted more than any other region of the economy.
Interstate exit

Suburbs emerged from the development of the IHS. Without the interstate suburbs just wouldnt make any since. During this time our nation was going through a process referred to as Urban Sprawl. This was the dissintergration of metropolitan areas. Residential areas and suburbs began to arrive in outlying metropolitan areas. Suburbs were very popular because of the amount of space and land you could have at such a significantly less price than it was to live in the city and with the new interstate highways the commute to the city were most jobs were was not bad at all. It only made since that people would move to suburbs.

Land developers and builders not only were making a ton of money by building these popular suburbs but as suburbs began to grow they saw a great money making opperitunity. The only downside to living in a suburb was the commute to work and to shop so why not bring job opperitunities and the retail market to the suburbs. Developers began to comercialize the suburbs but in a much different way than it is in the city. Commercial centers were huge buildings and large parking lots to accomidate the high volume of automobiles that would travel to one place. We might compare this to parkway city mall. The comercial centers didnt have any special or impressive architactual attributes, they were just blande boreing buildings.

The IHS was not first designed for daily commuting from the suburbs to the city, it just made it possible. During the time that the IHS was being developed the cold war was going on and the threat of Nuclear war had many people worried. There was a need to evacuate highly populated areas of people in a relatively quick mannor. This was a deffence mechanism to hopefully save lives in the event the the United States was under attack by nuclear weapons.

Not only did The Interstate Highway system facilitate the development of Suburbs but it also is highly used for freight shipment. It can be argued either way that the IHS has been good for the economy. Some say it has led to the decline of the countrys core cities but in the scheme of things the development of the IHS has been very bennificial to the metropolitan ecanomy.

President Eisenhower

University Of Michigan- I found more information about the development of the interstate Highway system on this site than any of my other sources. I could have done my whole project on tis source if i had to but i needed other sources to cross refference with.

Wisconsin History- This site was my second best source, i found many specific details about the IHS here that i did not find anywhere else.
ASCE- This source was very usefull in finding specifics on EIsenhower and the federal Highway acts
Federal Highway Asociation- I found many specifics on the amount of money spent on the project on this site and the specifics on the roads that were made and how the roads were decided to go to each city.  THis was also a very good primary source.
DOT- The department of transportation was very usfull for finding out littile details about the highway system, it was
also a usefull primary source
National Atlas- very usefull for crossrefferencing facts, many useful pictures that i did not but should have used in my project. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chicago Race Riots


After the first world war many things changed in the United States. People began to move to new places, specificly people of the south were migrating to the North. This was reffered to as the Great Migration. Many African Americans of the South were moving in to Northern states looking for better jobs and more opperitunities. This seemed like a good idea but people of the North were not very fond of it. All of the new people in the North caused Economic competition, Police enificiency, competition for housing and many smaller things. all of these problems led barbaric riots in the City of Chicago Illinois.

Before this migration of African americans from southern states to the North racial differences had not been a large peoblem in the North. Chicago specificly had been known for its acceptance of all races. This quickly changed when people that were not fermiliear with city life at all came to Chicago and started competing in the Job and Housing markets. Even the Blacks that had been living in Chicago were not accepting to the blacks from the south. Tensions began to rise heavily.

Rising tensions between Blacks and Whites became so high that Riots started breaking out quite frequently. These riots all began on July 27, of 1919. An African american by the name of Eugene WIlliams was swimming on the beach of Lake Michigan. This beach had been known as an all white beach and many whites that were also enjoying their day on the beach did not take too kindly to the fact that Mr. Williams was using "their" beach. A white man brought it upon himself to make Mr. Williams leave the beach and he threw a stone that hit Eugene WIlliams in the back of the head which caused him to pass out and drown.

This incodent was the official beggining to the Chicago Race Riots that lasted an entire summer, from July 27, 1919 to August third, 1919. It was all because local police officials would not do anything about the horrible crime that had been commited on the beach that day. These fights between Blacks and Whites became known as the Red Summer and also the worst rioting in the history of Chicago. At the end of all the riots their were 38 people dead and Hundreds had become homeless and injured.

The main reason that all of these riots continued was because of corruption of the media and police officials. One example of corruption by the media was in a town in Arkansas. There had been a ficticious story set up by whites that black share croppers had plotted to slaughter about 100 white men. Whites took this to the media and this ficticious story was broudcasted everywhere. In reality it had been the Whited that had plotted to slaughter the blacks but nobody took the wors of the African Americans seriously.

There was a great demand for segregation between Blacks and whites but the Blacks did not want to go along with this plan, they just kept on Rioting. The "red summer" could have been completely avoided and handled in a much more sivalized fashion if the police had interveined as if they would have if it had been an African American that had thrown the stone at the back of a white mans head, but instead nothing was done at all which caused the African mericans to bring it upon themselves to try to solve their problem.

Damage from the riots



Source one- Yale University, From this source i gathered information about Chicago before the Rtiots started and about the General causes of the Riots.
source two- Harvard University  - This source gave me the detailed story that actually started the first riot and it also gave me some scenarios of the unfairness towards African Americans from law enforcement.
source three- Umich - This source was very helpful because it gave me specific numbers of the amount of people killed and injured in the riots along with more insight on how it was all started.

Friday, January 18, 2013

my sources

AVL - this was my most used source,
AVL- i gathered my information about the australia stop on this website
Library of Congress- the library of congress was by far the most usefull way i could come across usefull newspaper articles.

AVL- i gathered my information about the japan stop from this site.
Internet Archive- i got backgrouind information about the whole trip not just any specific stop



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Postcard project

As of Monday I had not gotten much done on my project, all I had gotten done was my main source, my avl source and a few of my pictures. I still needed to gather all of my information and pic out the remaining appropriate pictures for my postcards. I had decided that I was going to be myself for the postcards and I would be sending my letters to my mother and father and friends. I am just now posting this because I was not in class on Monday and I forgot to post my progress on Tuesday. Now I am almost finished with the project.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

H H Holmes

H.H. Holmes
H.H. Homes
 H.H. Holmes was born and raised in Gilmanton New Hampshire. He is a direct discendent of European settlers to the area. His mother and father were quite the opposits, his mother was a devout Methodist and his father was a very violent alchoholic. As a young boy he was bulied by his classmates. He was forced to do things such as touching a human skeleton and this is believed to have given him this facsination with death. Holmes was constantly in trouble as a boy for his cruelty to animals and smaller children. while he was very mischievious in school he was also very intelligent. He always made excellent grades.

In Holmes later years he was a pharmisist at a drugstore that was owned by Dr. Holden. Holmes seemed to stimulate the buesness for Dr. Holden because of his charm and the way he talked to people in the store. THe drugstore quickly retained the reputation for always being enjoyable to visit. Eventually Holmes anounced that he bought the drugstore from Dr. Holden and soon after this Dr.Holden vanished. This was thought to be the first victim of Holmes. Holmes continued to make the Drugstore thrive and two years after Dr. Holden had vanished he bought a large lot across from the drugstore with even larger plans in store for it.

Holmes planned to make a large hotel type building across the street from the drugstore that he has. This was right around the time of the Columbian Exchange and the worlds fair. This hotel that he would be bulding would be spectacular for its time and it was later known as the Murder Castle. This hotel is what made it possible for him to carry out all of his scams and murders and kidnappings.

Since the worlds fair and the columbian exchange were going on right after he had had his hotel built it made it possible for him to have the hotel occupied at all times. The hotel was only about 2 miles from the worldsfair and it being brand new and convienient made it a very popular choice for your average travveler. With all of the commotion of people form out of the country and out of the state coming to visit Chicago for all of the festivities that it would have that year it made it very easy for Holmes to take someone and kill them without it causing an uproar because nobody in Chicago knew the people that he would kidnap and with all of the comotion from the worlds fair and the Columbian exchange it made it almost impossible for it to be traced back to him.

The Hotel was designed specificly for him. He was the Architect for the Bulding and he was the one who hired and fired the people that were building it which meant that not one person but himself would know every nook and cranny of the Hotel and all of the trap doors and chutes and special features that he had intergrated into the Hotel. the Hotel was three stories tall. the bottom level had shops and stores and the top two levels were appartments. He had things added such as gas chambered rooms, allarmed rooms, and chute that led to the back alley way, two incenorators, and a basement crematory and a large vat of acid. All of these special features would allude to the fact that he was the one that was murdering all of these people that were showing up missing but nobody knew about the special features of the Hotel because he didnt keep anyone working on the building long enough to notice these things.

Holmes was able to keep his murder scandles going for four years until he finally was caught. The one scandal that he was most commonly known for was when he would kidnap somone and keep them for a long time. he would pull out a hefty life insurance policy on the person and eventually kill them and collect his money. He was able to do this countless times and eventually he faked his own death, changed his indentity and collected the life inssurance pollicy on himself. After four years the authorities were finally able to catch him and put him away, he confessed to 27 murders and is believed to have killed as many as 200 people but no one really knows. If it were not for all of the confussion and excitement going on in Chicago at the time of the beggining of his Hotel i dont think he would have ever been able to get away with as many murders as he did before he got caught.

Murder Castle
Murder Castle

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Faces of America

I thought that the video that we watched on the famous people in america that had migrated to the United states was very interesting. This video got me interested in where my family is from. Not only where each side of my family is from but why my relatives migrated here in the first place. As it is right now i honestly have no idea were my family is from. I don't even know where my Dad's side of the family lived before they came to Huntsville. I learned from the video that just because immigrants didn't migrate in recent years doesn't mean that they just originated in America. This is because it is entirely impossible. The united states is unique in that it is full of all sorts of races from many different places. Even the "Native Americans" did not  start out in America. 

Nation of Immigrants 

America is Unique in that it is full of many different races. It is also unique in that every family that is in the united states has some sort of story on why their family or just them ended up in America. This is something very special because this means that whoever the person is in their family that originally migrated to America wanted to benefit themselves. This means that we are a nation of Immigrants that have ambition for themselves. People came to America because the conditions here are better than where they originated from. This is why i believe that America is as successful for its age as it is. It is because People are interested in succeeding and making something of themselves.        

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Henry ford was born by William and Mary Ford on July 30, 1863. Henry had five brothers and sisters. As a young boy Henry was always interested in Mechanical things, things that he could take apart and put back together. When Henry was sixteen he left the house to become an apprentice of a Machanic. HE remained under apprenticeship of this mechanic for three years. After his apprenticship he spent his time overhauling and reparing his fathers farm implemints and he repaired steam engiens. In 1888 he married Clara Bryant, at this point Henry was running a sawmill to support he and his wife. In 1891 Henry became an engioneer with Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. After he got this job his career really took off. He became the Cheif engioneer in 1893, this gave him plenty of funds and free time to his design experiments. He mainly eperimented with internal cumbustion engienes much like you would find in a car.

In 1896 Henry created his first car, this what what was refered to as the quadcycle. It had two speeds and no reverse. After two failed attemts at creating an automobile company the third one finally suceeded. He created Ford and the first automobile he created that was mass produced was the Model t. This car was the beginning to smething that became the largest automobile company in the world by 1926. I find ford to be the most succesful automobile company in the world because of how long they have remained in buisness and the succes they have had, i also admire the fact that they never have had to have any significant bail out that would have caused them to go out of buisness other wise. I think that Henry Ford was one of the most succesful men in the world. One thing that i did not discover in my research but i have heard is that he hated Jews for no reason, i do not admire this aspect of him but most everything else i find very impressive.