Thursday, October 18, 2012

Henry ford was born by William and Mary Ford on July 30, 1863. Henry had five brothers and sisters. As a young boy Henry was always interested in Mechanical things, things that he could take apart and put back together. When Henry was sixteen he left the house to become an apprentice of a Machanic. HE remained under apprenticeship of this mechanic for three years. After his apprenticship he spent his time overhauling and reparing his fathers farm implemints and he repaired steam engiens. In 1888 he married Clara Bryant, at this point Henry was running a sawmill to support he and his wife. In 1891 Henry became an engioneer with Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. After he got this job his career really took off. He became the Cheif engioneer in 1893, this gave him plenty of funds and free time to his design experiments. He mainly eperimented with internal cumbustion engienes much like you would find in a car.

In 1896 Henry created his first car, this what what was refered to as the quadcycle. It had two speeds and no reverse. After two failed attemts at creating an automobile company the third one finally suceeded. He created Ford and the first automobile he created that was mass produced was the Model t. This car was the beginning to smething that became the largest automobile company in the world by 1926. I find ford to be the most succesful automobile company in the world because of how long they have remained in buisness and the succes they have had, i also admire the fact that they never have had to have any significant bail out that would have caused them to go out of buisness other wise. I think that Henry Ford was one of the most succesful men in the world. One thing that i did not discover in my research but i have heard is that he hated Jews for no reason, i do not admire this aspect of him but most everything else i find very impressive.

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